The growth regions of our world are not only attractive for large, capital market-orientated companies. 

As part of growth and diversification processes, family businesses are also looking at cross-border expansion, be it for sales activities, purchasing or for their own production. The acquisition of a local company or a joint venture with a local company is also often a sensible way of successfully tapping into a foreign market.

At the same time, foreign markets place very different demands on investors: in addition to their own legal norms, special tax features, auditing standards and, last but not least, the socio-cultural environment. The entry of family businesses into new markets needs to be well planned and can quickly become a hopeless endeavour without a competent local partner.

PKF Fasselt is a member of the international PKF network. Our consultants are experienced in many countries and sectors. They have accompanied countless successful foreign activities. We support you with our extensive experience in the internationalisation of your company. We ensure greater decision-making certainty at the planning and implementation stage. We will find the right partner for your project from our global PKF network and take care of communication with foreign partners.