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PKF Fasselt Partnerschaft mbB

EUREF-Campus 10/11
10829 Berlin
Phone +49 30 306907 - 0
Fax +49 30 306907 - 99

E-Mail: info@nothing-important.pkf-fasselt.de
Internet: www.pkf-fasselt.de

Legal form
Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB;
Registered office: Berlin; Partnership register: Charlottenburg Local Court; PR 645 B

Value added tax identification number:
DE 119571760
Partners within the meaning of § 3 para. 2 no. 2 PartGG
RA StB Thomas Anderleit, WP StB Oliver Beier, WP StB Rainer Cech, RA StB Sören Damerau, WP StB Jens Düe, WP StB Daniel Franke, StB Eleonora Groos, WP CPA Frederik Hegmanns, WP StB Matthias Herrlein, RA StB Lars Heymann, WP StB Franklin Hünger, WP StB Thomas Illy, WP StB Peter Jahn, WP StB Gisa Johannes, WP RA StB Ralph van Kerkom, WP RA StB Wolfgang van Kerkom, StB Enrico Kiehne, WP StB Katja Kühne, WP StB Marius Künne, WP StB Urte Lickfett, RA StB Frank Moormann, WP StB Christian Müller-Kemler, WP StB Patrick Niebuhr, WP StB Arnd Schienstock, WP RA StB Kai Schöneberger, WP StB Wibke Troch, WP CISA Jasmin Vahidi, WP StB Frank Villwock, WP StB Prof. Dr Frank Winzker, WP StB CPA Max Zünkler

The legal professional titles "Wirtschaftsprüfer (WP)" (public auditor), "Steuerberater (StB)" (tax consultant) and "Rechtsanwalt (RA)" (lawyer) were awarded in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Activities/Transparency report
You will find an overview of our multidisciplinary activities in the services section. Our professional associations with other persons are described in detail under "Gesellschafts- und Aufsichtsstruktur" (Company and supervisory structure) in our transparency report. The measures we have taken to avoid conflicts of interest are described in our transparency report  "Maßnahmen zur Wahrung der Unabhängigkeit und Bestätigung ihrer Überprüfung" (Declarations on measures to safeguard independence and confirmation of their review). 


Data Protection Officer
RA/StB Alexander Hamminger
Pestalozzistraße 78
25421 Pinneberg
E-mail: datenschutz@nothing-important.hamminger.de

Editorial office
Sandra Heupel
PKF Fasselt Partnerschaft mbB
Schifferstraße 210
47059 Duisburg
Telefon +49 203 30001 171
E-mail: sandra.heupel@nothing-important.pkf-fasselt.de

We and our professionals are members of the

Chamber of Public Accountants


Competent supervisory authority for auditors
APAS, Federal Office of Economics and Export Control

Frankfurter Straße 29-35
65760 Eschborn

The auditing profession is essentially subject to the following regulations:
1. law on a professional code of conduct for auditors (WPO)
2. professional statutes for auditors and sworn accountants
3. statutes for quality control
4. the Auditors' Professional Liability Insurance Ordinance,
which can be viewed under the heading "Service"-"Legal Provisions" on the homepage of the Chamber of Public Accountants www.wpk.de. The provisions of the German Commercial Code (HGB) can be viewed at http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de under "Laws / Regulations".

Institute of Public Auditors in Germany (IDW)


Chambers of Tax Consultants

(and at the same time supervisory authorities for tax consultants)

The profession of tax advisor is essentially subject to the following regulations:
1. the Tax Consultancy Act
2. implementing ordinance to the Tax Consultancy Act
3. professional code of conduct of the Federal Chamber of Tax Consultants
4. the Tax Consultant Remuneration Ordinance,
which can be viewed at BStBK - Berufsrecht.

All tax consultants of PKF Fasselt Partnerschaft mbB are authorised as tax consultants in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Bar Associations

Competent supervisory authorities for lawyers
Pursuant to Section 73 (2) No. 4 of the German Federal Code for Lawyers (BRAO), supervision is the responsibility of the individual boards of the respective bar association.

The legal profession is essentially subject to the following regulations:
1. the Federal Lawyers' Act
2. the Lawyers' Remuneration Act
3. specialised lawyers' regulations
4. professional rules of the lawyers of the European Union
5. professional code of conduct,
which can be viewed under the heading "Berufsrecht" on the homepage of the German Federal Bar Association www.brak.de.

All lawyers of PKF Fasselt Partnerschaft mbB are admitted to practice as lawyers in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Terms of engagement
You can view the general and special terms of engagement here.

Applicable law/jurisdiction
German law shall apply exclusively to any existing or future legal relationships and only German courts shall have jurisdiction.

Dispute resolution
Information in accordance with § 36 of the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (VSBG)
In accordance with our obligation under § 36 (1) of the German Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (VSBG), we declare that PKF Fasselt Partnerschaft mbB is neither willing nor obliged to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board within the meaning of § 2 VSGB.

Information pursuant to Art. 14 ODR Regulation
In accordance with our obligation under the EU Regulation on Online Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters, we would like to point out that the EU platform for out-of-court online dispute resolution can be reached at the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. 

Professional liability insurance
To protect its clients, PKF Fasselt Partnerschaft mbB maintains the professional liability insurance required by Sections 54 WPO, 67 StBerG and 51 BRAO, which covers the risk arising from all activities in the professional spectrum of auditors, tax consultants and lawyers. The insurer is VSW - Die Versicherergemeinschaft für Steuerberater und Wirtschaftsprüfer, Dotzheimer Str. 23 in 65185 Wiesbaden www.v-s-w.de. The geographical scope of the insurance cover is not limited.


The commercial use of the contents of individual pages of this website requires our consent. All rights to the illustrations and contributions on the individual pages of this website are held by the respective authors.

Use of photographic material
The use of any photographic works and images (photographs, graphics and other visual representations) on the PKF Fasselt website is subject to the express consent of the respective authors and rights holders.