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Payroll accounting with specialised teams
Payroll accounting, with the corresponding reports and supporting documents, involves a considerable amount of work and requires increasingly specialised knowledge.
With our specially trained team, we can take over payroll accounting for you - from support with specific individual questions to the completion of all payroll processes and reports.
Savings in personnel and material costs
The use of modern payroll software in personnel accounting enables fast and cost-effective processing. By outsourcing payroll accounting, you save on personnel and material costs within the company and gain legal certainty in terms of tax.

Our payroll and HR services
Payroll accounting
For many companies, HR is a key strategic issue and employee satisfaction is becoming a focal point for decision-makers. The smooth preparation of payroll accounting is a basic prerequisite for this, and taking into account the constantly changing payroll tax and social security framework is essential. Our highly qualified, interdisciplinary teams of tax consultants, clerks, IT specialists and lawyers keep an eye on this so that you can rely on us completely. We also take care of the digital processing of certificates and applications for you, ensure that you fulfil your declaration obligations to the tax office or social security authorities on time and support you in the event of a tax audit.
Consultancy services on the subject of wages
We work with you to analyse your personnel cost structures and summarise them in a report as a basis for your controlling and for optimising your cost structures.
Labour law advice
We advise you on all labour law (wage tax and social security law) issues. Starting with the use of motor vehicles, through severance payment regulations and deferred compensation to benefits. Talk to us about your labour law questions.
Digital payroll accounting
We create your payroll accounting using cloud-based software solutions. In doing so, we utilise your existing data to avoid redundancies. Digitising your payroll accounting reduces the error rate while increasing efficiency and security.
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